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Thursday, March 29, 2007

New Lower Car Insurance In The California Counties Of Merced and Tulare

Starting today there will be a new lower car insurance available for under $400 in the California counties of Tulare and Merced.

The basic conditions applying to that have to do with the driver's meeting the minimum income requirements and having a clean driving record. This program is viewed as helping those who drive without insurance to get one; California has one of the highest rates of drivers driving without auto insurance in the United States.

For a good low cost auto insurance company you might want to check the 21St Century Insurance available in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin US states. Otherwise a noteworthy auto insurance group is 2Insure4Less which operates in all 50 United States states and besides auto insurance also offers insurances for life, annuity, long term care, health, homeowner, auto proffered, auto standard, auto high, renter, disability, cancer, burial, business and benefits. They give you a quick and comprehensive multi quote from Farmers, Kemper, The Hartford, Mercury, Liberty Mutual and Nationwide.

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